For the first 9 months of their married life {A}ubry & her hubby Mike lived in our basement! We had to share a kitchen because we aren't fancy {rich} enough to have two! But it worked out good, since we like each other and all! Right, {A}ubs? Haha!
Well, splitting up the kitchen meant splitting up dish duty! And with four people doing dishes (ok, mostly three; I was big, fat & pregnant and super nauseous and I didn't do dishes all that often...) it got hard to know if the dishes in the dishwasher were clean or dirty!
So late one night I had a brilliant idea! I hopped on my
fantastic silhouette machine {LOVE LOVE LOVE this thing...I use it ALL the time} and cut out "clean" & "dirty" out of a cute font{
wish I were taller is the name of it, if you're curious. Got it from the awesomeness of
Kevin & Amanda. they have the CUTEST fonts}!
Then I went to our fridge and made good use out of those obnoxious advertisement magnets:
I grabbed some trusty double-stick tape and taped the fronts {the part with the advertisement} together! Then I placed the "clean" vinyl on one side and "dirty" on the other!
It was a super cheap {FREE} & easy way to fix our constant asking of "is this clean"?
this may or may not be the truth today....babies make life difficult.. |