To start you'll need:
- Boxes
- Sissors
- Tape
- Box Cutter
Start by finding some cardboard boxes of any size that will fit your stuff the way you like. I used cereal, cracker, poptart, and even perfume boxes. Place one of your boxes in the drawer to measure how tall you want it. You can use this box as a template for cutting your other boxes. After cutting all your boxes place them in the drawer to make sure they fit all together well. You can also pull out the drawer and make sure they fit before you cut them. I found it easier to just eye it.
Then you'll get some cute decorative paper to cover the inside of the boxes with. You don't need to worry about covering the whole box cuz once all the boxes are together you will only see the inside. First I cut just enough paper for two of the sides. Then I cut the paper to cover across the rest of the inside of the box and taped it down. After you are finished, place in drawer. SO SIMPLE :)
I love this craft because its easy, inexpensive, cute and its easy to rearrange or change if you get bored with it. Not to mention your recycling :) I used this craft for my "getting ready' drawer. But you can use it for any drawer that needs organizing. We all have that junk drawer that we throw random stuff in all the time. Why not use this craft to help organize all that junk?